Varun's younger brother, Shanthanu Kumar enters their house as a bodyguard seeking revenge. The family is happy till Rudra receives an anonymous call saying that Paro will be killed. Touched by his efforts to forgive his mother for her, Paro and Rudra finally consummate their marriage. Paro tries hard to unite mother and son and is eventually successful. Thakurain Mala and Rudra meet again but Rudra has pure hatred towards her. They eventually unite and confess their feelings. The couple go through: Rudra recovering from paralysis of his right arm, the interruptions of his ex-girlfriend Laila and their mutual hesitation to confess their love for each other. Rudra is reinstated and initially rejects Paro for betraying him but recognizes that he loves her. He is accused of domestic violence and loses his job after which in a drunken state, he marries Paro. Parvati tries her best to win over Rudra but in vain. Upon realizing her mistake, she also becomes aware of her love for Rudra and returns to him. On the day of her wedding to Rudra, Parvati chooses to trust Tejawat and flees with him only to discover the truth behind her marriage to Varun. Eventually, Parvati emotionally sympathizes with Rudra after learning that his mother eloped with another man, unaware that his mother is the Thakurain. Rudra relocates her to his paternal home but when his malicious aunt Mohini insults Parvati's virtue, Rudra's father covers for them and announces she is Rudra's fiance. To prevent this, Tejawat hires goons to murder her. Rudra suspects that she is a material witness and hopes that she will testify. The procession is disrupted by BSF officers led by Deputy Commandant Rudra Pratap Ranawat and Varun is killed.Īn oblivious Parvati blames Rudra for her husband's death. The corrupt Raja Tejawat arranges Paro's wedding with Varun who plans to smuggle weapons across the border during the wedding procession. She was brought up by Thakurain Mala, and has consistent nightmares about her parents' deaths. Parvati, affectionately known as Paro, has pure hatred towards Border Security Force (BSF) officers, holding them responsible for the murder of her parents.